Markdown Editor

Why Markdown

Content, and content marketing, is critical today. Sometimes, though, the systems to create content get in the way, overwhelming users and offering too many options.

Simple, intuitive tools like Markdown Editor can make it easier to focus—to create sharp copy and to consistently use images and rich media.

The core philosophy of Markdown is focused on ease of use: be as easy-to-read and easy-to-write as feasible. If you have mastered web surfing, can type, and know how to copy/paste links to websites, you possess the technical skills you need to use Markdown Editor.

How Markdown Editor Works

Markdown Editor is a MODX Extra for creating content with Markdown. It parses Markdown-formatted text into HTML, and stores it as content for MODX websites.

Markdown Editor is great for creating articles, quick blogs, instructions, lists, and any other articles that require writing. It is also great for more technical documents like code tutorials because it supports Github Flavored Markdown, or “GFM”.

Markdown Editor also supports embedding content from other sites just by inserting a simple link. No complex HTML or JavaScript code to deal with. To do this, it uses a technology called oEmbed. Inserting a simple link to sites like Twitter, Tumblr, MonoPrice, Amazon, Flickr, Vimeo, Youtube, Evernote, and dozens of more sites results in a beautifully formatted synopis “card” and link to those sites or images.


Markdown Editor requires



Markdown Editor uses several libraries to deliver an amazing experience when editing Markdown content.

Markdown Editor itself is build on top of the great JavaScript editor Ace. It uses a customized version of Ace’s Markdown mode to improve working with the Markdown content. It also has enhanced list support, drag & drop upload, and more.

When creating content, you can quickly insert a link based on MODX Resource page titles by pressing cmd/ctrl + space. This will show a list of matching pages below your cursor based on the next characters you type. Use the arrow keys and the enter key or mouse and click to choose the page. It will insert a properly formatted link to that page using the correct Markdown and MODX syntax.

For transforming markdown into HTML, Markdown Editor uses the Remarkable JavaScript library with a support for GFM. Remarkable transforms makrdown to HTML blazingly fast, so you can enjoy real live preview.


I would love to thank Roman & Ryan for providing unmeasurable support, amazing ideas and for helping with styling the editor.


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If you enjoy using Markdown Editor, please consider supporting its ongoing development or showing thanks via PayPal. Anything is appreciated!