System Settings


Editor's theme

Key: markdowneditor.general.theme
Default: monokai

Type the name of available themes from the Ace editor project.

Font size

Key: markdowneditor.general.font_size
Default: 12

Font size for Markdown Editor.

Font family

Key: markdowneditor.general.font_family

Font family used when editing Markdown text.


Key: markdowneditor.general.include_ghfmd
Default: true

When enabled, GitHub Flavored Markdown CSS will be automatically included on the frontend. Styles will be applied only to elements with class markdown-body.

GFM CSS in Manager

Key: markdowneditor.general.include_ghfmd_manager
Default: true

When enabled, GitHub Flavoured Markdown CSS will be automatically included in the Manager, when creating/updating Resources.

Custom CSS in Manager

Key: markdowneditor.general.custom_css_manager

If set, specified CSS file will be automatically included in Manager, when creating/updating Resources. All definitions must be prefixed with the class preview-md to be applied on the preview panel.


Key: markdowneditor.general.include_highlight
Default: true

When enabled, highlight.js will be automatically included on the frontend to provide syntax highlighting of code blocks.

Split editor

Key: markdowneditor.general.split
Default: false

When enabled and in the standard MODX content editing window, the Markdown Editor will be in split in half with Markdown to the left and the HTML preview to the right.


Key: markdowneditor.general.source
Default: 1

Media source that will be used in media browser for inserting files and images.

Source select

Key: markdowneditor.general.source_select
Default: false

If enabled, user will be able to change source when inserting files or images.

Split editor full screen

Key: markdowneditor.general.split_fullscreen
Default: true

When enabled and in full screen editing mode, editor will be in split mode by default when entering full screen.


Init condition

Key: markdowneditor.init.condition

The xPDO condition (in JSON) that will be used to initialize Markdown Editor. With this setting MarkdownEditor can be used for example just for blog resources and for everything other you can use WYSIWYG. To achieve that, set which_editor to your favourite WYSIWYG editor (for example TinyMCE-RTE) and if your blog resource has id 9 use this as an init condition: {"parent": 9}.

Live preview

Parse MODX Tags

Key: markdowneditor.lp.parse_modx_tags
Default: false

If enabled, Markdown Editor will also parse MODX tags in the preview. This option will send an Ajax request to the server each time you update content, delayed by the amount specified in the Parse MODX Tags timeout setting.

Parse MODX Tags timeout

Key: markdowneditor.lp.parse_modx_tags_timeout
Default: 300

Delay sending an Ajax request to parse the content by the specified timeout, in milliseconds.


Image upload path

Key: markdowneditor.upload.image_upload_path

The path to the directory where images will be uploaded, relative to the web root. If no path is set, images will be uploaded in assets/u directory.

Image upload URL

Key: markdowneditor.upload.image_upload_url

The URL to the image upload directory. If no URL is set, assets/u will be used.

File upload path

Key: markdowneditor.upload.file_upload_path

The path where non-image files will be uploaded. If no path is set, files will be uploaded in assets/u directory.

File upload URL

Key: markdowneditor.upload.file_upload_url

The URL to the file upload directory. If not URL is set, assets/u will be used.

Under resource

Key: markdowneditor.upload.under_resource
Default: true

When enabled, all uploaded files will be stored under a directory with name of the resource ID.

Delete unused

Key: markdowneditor.upload.delete_unused
Default: true

When enabled, unused images and files will be deleted from the upload directory. Under resource setting has to be enabled.

Image upload

Key: markdowneditor.upload.enable_image_upload
Default: true

When enabled, users will be able to upload images.

File upload

Key: markdowneditor.upload.enable_file_upload
Default: true

When enabled, users will be able to upload non-image files.

Max size

Key: markdowneditor.upload.max_size

The maximum allowed size in bits for files or images uploaded through Markdown Editor. If no value is set, the value of the system setting upload_maxsize will be used. If 0 is set, files with any size can be uploaded (beware of PHP upload limits).

Image types

Key: markdowneditor.upload.image_types
Default: jpg,jpeg,png,gif,bmp

Comma delimited list of image types that can be uploaded.

File types

Key: markdowneditor.upload.file_types
Default: txt,html,htm,xml,js,css,zip,gz,rar,z,tgz,tar,mp3,mp4,aac,wav,au,wmv,avi,mpg,mpeg,pdf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,odt,ods,odp,odb,odg,odf

Comma delimited list of file types that can be uploaded.


Enable Cropper

Key: markdowneditor.cropper.enable_cropper
Default: true

When enabled, a pop-up window with Cropper will show with each image upload. In the cropper pop-up you can crop, scale and rotate images before they are uploaded.


Key: markdowneditor.cropper.profiles

    "name": "Free form"
    "name": "Square",
    "ratio": "1/1"
    "name": "4x6 wide",
    "ratio": "6/4"
    "name": "5x7 wide",
    "ratio": "7/5"
    "name": "1920x1080 HD",
    "width": 1920,
    "height": 1080

A list of profiles that users can select from in the Cropper window. The first item in the list is the default for image uploads. Each profile is a JSON object with following properties:

Profiles description

Key: markdowneditor.cropper.show_description
Default: false

When enabled, the profile select box will also contains each profile’s description with ratio, width & height.


Aspect ratio constraint

Key: markdowneditor.resizer.aspect_ratio_constraint
Default: true

When enabled, the image will keep their aspect ratio when resizing.

Upsize constraint

Key: markdowneditor.resizer.upsize_constraint
Default: true

When enabled, the image will not be resized to a larger height or width.


Key: markdowneditor.resizer.width
Default: 400

Default width for resized images.


Key: markdowneditor.resizer.height
Default: 0

Default height for resized image.


oEmbed service

Key: markdowneditor.oembed.oembed
Default: Essence,EmbedlyCards

Comma delimited list of oEmbed services. When more than one service is used, they will go through the list of services as fallbacks when others don't return results.

The available services include:

Max height

Key: markdowneditor.oembed.max_height
Default: 640

Max height of received element.

Max width

Key: markdowneditor.oembed.max_width
Default: 640

Max width of received element.

Include services CSS

Key: markdowneditor.oembed.frontend_css
Default: 1

If enabled, CSS from specified service will be automatically included on the frontend.

Default card's color

Key: markdowneditor.oembed.default_card_color
Default: #D71212

Default color of each card’s stripe at the left side. Colors can be entered in any valid format for CSS.

Auto card's color

Key: markdowneditor.oembed.auto_card_color
Default: true

If enabled and the selected service supports auto color (e.g., Cards, Extract), the color of the card’s stripe will be generated from the favicon of the embedding url.

API key

Key: markdowneditor.embedly.api_key

The API key, required for the EmbedlyExtract and EmbedlyEmbed services. An API key can be obtained at