Download the latest package from _packages and copy it to your MODX core/packages/ directory.
Open the MODX manager and go to the Extras/Installer (System/Package Management in Revolution 2.2) and search for local packages. Git Package Management package will appear in the list.
Install the package (during installation you'll be asked to provide some information).
- Clone GPM to your packages directory
- Open cli directory and run
composer install
- Make bin/gpm executable
chmod +x bin/gpm
- Run
./bin/gpm gpm:install --corePath=/absolute/path/to/modx/core/
- To get list of all command options run
./bin/gpm gpm:install --help
- To get list of all command options run
Directories required as writable
- _build
- core/components/$lowCaseName$/model/$lowCaseName$